Hontoon Island to Silver Glen Springs

Whew!  It’s been a while since I’ve logged anything and we’ve really moved on!  I’m gonna try to catch up over the next few weeks. 

 We left Hontoon Island with our friends, Naugui (Boundless) and Tim and Martha (Margin) and returned to Astor.  We stayed at Dennis and Laurie’s house again.  But this time, there were more Rosborough owners who showed up!  It was a mini Rosborough Rendezvous!  I think we had a total of 8 boats!

The following day, the Rosborough Flotilla headed to Silver Glen Springs.  It was such a fun cruise with all of these boats.  We went through a narrow channel, named Blue Creek, which was full of birds, a few gator and a few homes, It was so scenic!  Laurie was on top of her Rosborough and taking pictures of the flotilla.  They were great pictures!  She also took pictures/videos of each boat zooming by.  It was super cool and really made me appreciate the Rosborough family and the pride they have for their boats.

We made it to our destination in about an hour to the gorgeous Silver Glen Springs!  Crystal clean water, manatees, turtles and fish  - with a huge spring - it was beautiful!  There were a few boats there - the area was really pretty big.  You had no idea what you were going to see, because the channel going into the spring was fairly narrow; but then it opened up to this gorgeous pool!  The water is maintained at 72* because of the spring.  We swam and snorkeled and of course visited with our Rosborough buddy boats.  

Ironically, we saw a guy, Logan, we had met in Palatka.  He was on a sailboat,  But he let me use his snorkel gear.  Boaters are some of the nicest people I have ever met.  

The following day, Nagui (Boundless), Dennis and Laurie Robbins (Dream Come True), John Hauck (Grumpy), Bill and Molly Webster (Salty Paws) left.  We stayed one more day, with Moonshine Max (Lucky Turn), John Edwards (Neo) and Mark and Cathy Uggeri (Pronto).  We could have stayed longer - it was truly a magical place, but we need to move!  

This really was one of the highlights of our trip so far. I had wanted to go to the keys so badly, but it just didn’t work for us - of course I always want to go everywhere!  This little piece of heaven reminded me of the Caribbean - only fresh water!! And the people we met - the Rosborough owners - were so welcoming!


  1. Wow - what cool adventures you have been on! Love seeing all the Rossi’s winding up the river! I’m all caught up on your journey now, dreaming of our future Great Loop! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for reading! Now, I need to get caught up on the blogs. I also do Instagram. Boomerang_on_the_great_loop


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