Fort Walton to Panama City

So foggy!
New Year’s Eve 
Traxx is told to ‘find his stick,’ and this is what he grabs!
We had to get a new plug!
We’ve been her so long, Boomerang is home to a spider!
Ready for Christmas!
More fog!
The plants weren’t so keen on the cold weather.
Our morning coffee - Traxx waiting for breakfast!
This lady was on a mission to run Ernie (the Heron that hangs the around the marina) off.
Here’s looking at you kid!
Boomerang decorated for Christmas!
Christmas Eve dinner with other loopers - Stay Cool, Rambler and Trouvaille.
Waiting on the dock to go to dinner on Christmas Eve. 
                    Across the bay from Bay Point Marina
                                Santa Claus has arrived!
                       This is Ernie - the marina’s mascot!
                       Loopers group - planning our route.
                  Christmas festivities at Bay Point Marina.
       A sailboat we passed on the intercoastal, headed to PCB.
           Intercoastal waterway to PCB from Fort Walton.
               Golf cart parade at Bay Point Marina in PCB.
  See the jungle animals!  lol.  On the intercoastal from Fort 
                                      Walton to PCB.

       We’ve seen a few stranded boats, just left there. It’s                             expensive to have them removed so they just leave them. 
       We pass these ducks on our morning walks with Traxx.
            Mr. And Mrs. Claus at the Christmas festivities. 
          My friend Darleen and I.  She’s also a health coach!
                       Beautiful St. Andrews State Park.
    This is Mike with his Cockatoo, Margo, aboard the Perch.
We were fishing - I guess someone was confident we would catch something. Sorry we let you down Bud.
                            See the squirrel eating a nut.
                                      And he’s gone!
                                          Flying gulls.
                                         Osprey nest.

   We left Pensacola on Friday, December 11.  It’s a good thing too because we felt like we had really worn out our welcome. Don't get me wrong, everyone was very nice, but we had been there for two weeks! We had to wait to have our generator repaired - early Christmas present to us!

   Our next stop was at Fort Walton. We stayed at the Free City Dock. It wasn't bad - can't complain too much when it’s free! They were fixed docks and a park was right there - a great place to walk Traxx. There were a few restaurants in the area, but after paying for the generator, we decided it would be best to eat on the boat for a while. Plus, we just weren't real sure about the surroundings and leaving the boat unoccupied for a bit - maybe a little sketchy. That night, I could hear people talking on the docks. I've heard of people un-tieing boats at the docks - mostly kids doing that sort of thing, but I didn't want to end up floating around in the ocean somewhere. 

  Our stay at Fort Walton Beach lasted one night - that was the limit, so we headed to Panama City.  The canal we were on reminded me of the river system - very narrow and not a lot of boats, mostly fishermen. 

  Next stop was Bay Point South Marina in Panama City. Our Canadian friends, Malcom and Rachael, greeted us - that was nice!  We hung out with them on their boat, Stay Cool.  It would be very nice to have a bigger boat so people could hang out with us; well, there’s other reasons why a bigger boat would be nice - I find myself having boat envy at times.  But, I’m thankful for what we have and it’s getting us on the loop!

  While at PCB, we’ve met So many other loopers, too many to list but a few include Marco and Karen on Navigator, Tina and Richard on Tina B, Jane and Tim on Bello and we’ve reconnected with Rusty and Darlene Russell on Bama Breeze, (we met Rusty at Kingfisher Marina) and of course Malcom and Rachel on Stay Cool have been here.  Kim Russo, the director of AGLCA, and her husband Mike, on The Perch is here too.  They have a cockatoo on their boat - and I thought traveling with a 65 pound dog was tough!

   We’ve fished a little - no luck there; but the Herons have been fun to watch. They enjoy our fishing - they get the bait that we don’t use. I guess they’re confident in our fishing or maybe they know we’ll give them the bait!  

  One evening, we cooked some blackened Red Snapper in the galley, (we didn’t catch it), but we smelled it for days. Well, that’s what we thought we were smelling.  Actually, our main power cord was melting in the socket!  We’re lucky we didn’t have a fire!  Jeff had that repaired in about a day after a couple of stops in town.  We’re fortunate to have a few loopers with vehicles that we can borrow and there’s always Uber.

   We were able to celebrate Christmas with other loopers.  We missed our families tremendously and we’re able FaceTime with them - it’s just not the same. We enjoyed a dinner with loopers on Christmas Eve and celebrated Christmas Day with our Canadian friends, Malcom and Rachel on Stay Cool. 

   New Year celebrations were also at Bay Point Marina in PCB. We rang in the new year with other loopers. We enjoyed docktails and pizza. Of course, we were in bed by 9:00 pm and although the plan was to honk our horns at midnight, I don’t think anyone was up for that. 

   Lots of different weather here!  Sunshine, cold, rainy, stormy, windy and unbelievable fog! This crazy weather has prevented us from moving. Although we’re on the intracoastal waterway, there’s actually bays to go through with bigger bodies of water.  Since our boat is smaller, we want smooth sailing in those bigger bodies of water.  So, right now our plans are to get to Apalachicola, then Carabelle and then make the gulf crossing. We need good weather days to make the crossing.  A good weather day means no more than 2 foot waves and wind speeds less than 15 mph., and we want to find that information in a least 3 different weather sources, with the weather window having the same weather conditions 12 hours prior prior to departure and 12 hours after scheduled arrival. We have a couple of routes to choose. One is to make short jumps around the gulf by first crossing to Steinhatchee, then crossing to Crystal River and finally crossing to Tarpon Springs.  That’s approximately 235 miles and takes 3 good weather window days to cross - one day for each place. On this route, you’re about 30 miles off shore but you will also be dodging crab pots.  It takes more days and you’re gonna burn more gas.  Plus, you could be stuck in a place waiting for another good weather window. The other choice is an overnight crossing, leaving Carabelle around 3pm and arriving in Tarpon Springs the following day around 10am, (17 - 19 hours, dependent on speed and staying on course - even a small deviation off course will delay your time). That’s about 170 miles - much shorter, and takes one, long, good weather day - like working a double shift! On this route, you’re about 60 miles off shore but should be clear of crab pots.  Crab pots are dangerous because they could end up in your props.  It’s a dilemma and weather will determine which choice we make.  Of course, we will cruise with other loopers and we’re hoping to fish a long the way!

  We’ve had a good stay here -  met a lot of loopers, celebrated the holidays with new friends and found a great happy hour at Dat Cajun Place (1$Yuenglings).

  We’re looking forward to heading further south and hopefully, visiting with friends along the way. Thanks for reading our blog We love your comments!  


  1. $1.00 Yingling is worth the stay. Good reading be safe. Hopefully see you here in Port Charlotte at some point. Cold breeze here today. I remember those days working at Topsail park near Destin. Weather was not friendly.

    1. I think we will going through Port Charlotte on our way to hit the ICW at Okeechobee. We'll get in touch with you when we get closer.

  2. Your blog is great. You write so eloquently. I can't wait to read the next one. Have fun , I just did the stretch from Annapolis MD to Beaumont SC. It was cold but a great time.

    1. Nice! So are you doing the loop in segments? Or coming south to get to warmer weather? It seems like we’re always chasing nicer weather. Oh and thank you for the compliment.


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