Leaving the Tenn-Tom

We've officially left the Tenn-Tom and are now on the Black Warrier River.  Soon, we will be on the Mobile River and then Mobile Bay - woo hoo!

So, after anchoring out, we went to Demopolis, Alabama and stayed at Kingfisher Marina. We caught up on some laundry, bought a few more groceries and a heater, (used the courtesy van) and met a few more loopers.  We stayed here for 3 nights.  We just needed some time to recoup.  Everyday at 4pm, we met for docktails.  Everyone provides suggestions on various anchorages for our next leg of this journey to Mobile.  We have one more marina and 3 anchorages, then were in Mobile Bay! 

During our last anchorage, we found out our generator needs a new belt; without the generator, we would have no heat while anchoring out so that required a trip to Wal-mart for a propane heater.  They had a service store at this marina, but the part wouldn't be in until Monday and we needed to move on.   So hopefully, we can get that repaired when we get to Florida.  

Leaving the lock in Demopolis, Alabama, it was foooogggggyyyy!!!  Unreal - we could barely see the boat in front of us.  There were 13 of us in the lock with only 9 bollards, so we rafted up to a different boat.  That worked out fine.  The lock had a 40' drop, but it didn't feel any different than the others. 

It was too far of a distance to the next marina, so we anchored out at Bashi Creek - real nice, narrow creek - reminded me of home; lots of trees with limbs hanging over the river but deep enough water for a boat with a two foot draft to slip into and anchor.  Very peaceful, calm - I think we went to bed around 8 pm. that evening.  We're now getting up before daylight and going to bed shortly after dark.  Heck, Jeff got up at 4:30 one morning and made coffee; he always gets the coffee going, makes it a lot easier for me to drag my butt out of bed!

We made it to Bobby’s Fish Camp.  It’s a long dock and boaters tie up to it.  There were 8 boaters and we rafted two deep.  There was a 70 foot Hatteras that came in too!  We looked like a matchbox boat next to it!  Bobby’s used to be somewhat of a legend with loopers - supposedly had the best catfish ever.  But, Bobby the owner passed away and now his daughter and son-in-law are running the business.  We had been hearing a lot of negativity about the place - that they were rude,  poor service, shabby docks, etc., but even though it wasn’t the nicest marina, he wasn’t rude to us at all.  He and Jeff hit it off fine - I think it was Jeff’s camouflage. The owner did mention he didn’t like “them damn Yankees - always calling us hillbillies!”  You had to laugh!  

After Bobby’s, we anchored out again a creek (Alabama River Cutoff) and then left, headed to the Gulf!  It’s a good day - sun is out and it feels warmer!

                   Traxx looking and smelling for critters.
              Leaving Demopolis, Alabama early and foggy!
              Several loopers leaving the locks at Demopolis. 
 We’re behind this 70ft. Hatteras.  This is Bobby’s Fish Camp.
                                     Bobby’s Fish Camp.
                          Leaving the docks at Demopolis. 
             Another picture of the fog. This boat looks cool!                                
                                             Crazy fog!!!
                              Our buddy boat, Boundless. 
We’re starting to see Spanish Moss - getting close to the Gulf!
                                 Just a couple of Rossi’s!
           Another looper anchored at Alabama River Cutoff. 


  1. Sounds like so much fun! You’re a great writer, Lisa! I love your humor! Penny D


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